Disclosures, Forms & Fees

Access to every membership document. Download to your computer, print or use for reference. Please contact us if you have any questions - we would be happy to assist you!

Hand filling out CWPCU membership application

Crow Wing Power Credit Union Fee Schedule

Checking Fees
$25.00 - NSF Check/ACH/ATM item
$20.00 - Stop Payment (single check)
$35.00 - Stop Payment (range of checks)
$10.00 - Debit Card Replacement

Other Service Fees
$10.00 - Deposited Item Return
$30.00 - Dormant Account (Annual Fee)
$20.00 - Account Reconciliation (per hour)
$50.00 - Garnishment/Levy Processing
$20.00 - Wire Transfer
$15.00 - Fed Global ACH
$25.00 - Return Loan Payment Fee